follow spot การใช้
- I can honestly say, this is my first follow spot.
- "Usually, futures markets follow spot markets and forward markets, " said Smith Barney's Saucer.
- It was almost like a follow spot came on.
- "This is for the follow spot, " he said.
- Altman specializes in theatrical ellipsoidal lights and follow spots as well as a series of architectural fixtures.
- Reflector sights are also used in the entertainment industry in productions such as live theater on " Follow Spot " spotlights.
- Today, Super Trouper follow spots are shipped from the factory with a similarly-designed nickel reflector, though a dichroic coating has supplanted the rhodium coating.
- Strong introduced the Super Trouper II model xenon follow spot in 1995 as the first new follow spot design since the xenon Gladiator III in 1983.
- Within the theatre itself ( right ), two wooden towers were constructed to the sides of the audience area for follow spots and, on occasion, musicians.
- Strong introduced the Super Trouper II model xenon follow spot in 1995 as the first new follow spot design since the xenon Gladiator III in 1983.
- Third floor, also known as the'grid level,'areas include large sets storage, props and costume storage, lighting storage, lighting position access, curtain maintenance areas, and follow spot booth.
- Originally called " Word Of Mouth, " and now " Follow Spot, " this event is a " laboratory for original performance and live experiments of any nature . " ()
- Strong introduced their first version of the solid-state switching 1 kW-3 kW power supply for their xenon follow spots in 1988, without having to engineer any modifications to the Super Trouper's operational design.
- "' Electricians, "'or more commonly known as " Lighting technicians ", set up all the lights, program the light design in the lighting console and run the follow spot ( what people often call a spotlight ).
- High-intensity discharge lamps ( or HID lamps ), however, are now common where a very bright light output is required for example in large follow spots, hydrargyrum medium-arc iodide ( HMI ) floods, and modern automated fixtures.
- From the moment he walked onto the Davies Hall stage, lit by an aptly theatrical follow spot, to be greeted by an enthusiastic standing ovation, it was clear that Thomas had already won the hearts of San Francisco's music lovers.
- The Super Trouper line of xenon follow spots is inclusive of four production models : Super Trouper Long Throw, Super Trouper Short Throw, Super Trouper Medium Throw, and Super Trouper II . Each model is available in either a 1600 watt or a 2000 watt variety.
- At the end of the summer, the apprentice crews are invited to apply for staff positions for the two weekends of " Apprentice Scenes, " a showcase for the Apprentice Singers, and can serve as everything from costume and lighting designers, to lighting and stage supervisors, to follow spot operators and assistant stage managers and more.
- (If a stage manager were to call every cue for a follow spot operator, it might sound something like this : " Spot 1, pick up, spot 2 iris down, spot 1 switch to color frame # 4, spot 3 douse out, spot 4 pick up, spot 2 switch to color frame # 2 . ")
- Lighting really sets this stage, so Mike Baldassari, the co-lighting designer, has even christened some of his new effects : Podunwarferstein, a Germanic old-fashioned contraption for hanging lights; Wikki, a move in which the follow spot operator opens and closes the iris ( the shutter in front of the spotlight ) in rapid succession, and Jiffy, the panning and tilting that create a three-dimensional iris effect.